Our Commitment to Our Clients
How much does it cost?
Our Personal Injury matters are done on a contigent basis meaning that if we do not win, we do not get paid. There are no up-front costs or fees with us.
Our Crimanl Defense matters remain consistent with the industry standard, but as a point of reference your fee will be directly related to the crime charged, the potential exposure, as well as the individualized facts relevant to your case.
Do I even need a lawyer?
Not every case requires a lawyer. However, if you attempt to negotiate directly with an insurance company you may lack the negotiation leverage required to force a reasonable settlement. Remember, the Insurance companies are not your friends. Furthermore, attempting to resolve a case on your own prior to hiring an attorney could have a negative impact on your case if you decide to hire an attorney later. HC Legal Group provides a free, no-risk consultation where the pros and cons of hiring a lawyer in your specific case can be discussed.
As for our criminal defense matters, there is literally no comparison when you compare the caseload of a Florida Public Defender to Private Counsel. Statistics are clear that Defendant’s with private counsel obtain lighter sentences. This is not an oppinion, it is a fact. Give us a call to discuss your matter.